Sunday, February 11, 2007

Flow, Faucet, Spigot, Rush

Uhm, never thought I'd say this, but would someone please shut me up!

Turn off my ideas for a few minutes,
Give my poor brain a rest?
Someone accidently bumped my spigot,
And my trickle of inspiration
is now stuck in the "on" position.

My thoughts are consuming me
and I'm afraid I might drown.

Words and thoughts are rushing out...
My sink will soon be over run
and I'll have a river of trouble to deal with.

Tired of the pool of tears, but glad for the release.
Time to put it back together.

Someone help find the balance for me, remind me how to swim!
I've got to get somewhere,
can only tread water for so long.

Like a dam, I've held back the waters so long
I'm hoping I'll be a strong enough swimmer
able to avoid the undertow....

Someone shut me up
so I can get some work done.

Just for half a day please.
Need to build a life boat
if this continues much longer.

Hush now. Sink or Swim


William F. DeVault said...

So, is that you, rising from the water like Aphrodite?

I have just recently started reading your posts. There's some good stuff here.

Ms Peach said...

Oh my.
I thought my comments were turned off...


No, I don't think my secret swims have ever been captured on film.

Thank you so much for reading my posts.

Any guidance you have to offer me would be appreciated. Your work thrills and amazes me.